Friday, February 12, 2010

True or False, Education does not always equal intelligence?

If you properly define ';intelligence'; it is the ability to learn and then properly apply what you have learned. That has nothing to do with ';education';. Plenty of highly intelligent people in the world had or have no formal education but accomplish extraordinary things. On the other hand plenty of people with advanced formal education cannot figure out that they are being hoodwinked.

Therefore the answer is ';true'; Education does not always equal intelligence. The two are mutually exclusive.

The reason so many ';educated'; people seem totally clueless is due to radical changes in higher and lower education since the 1960's. Students are more and more being taught what to think instead of how to think. That is not education but indoctrination.

Learning that Barack Obama is the fist Black President, is a Democrat, lives in the White House etc is learning about the President. ';Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm. mmm'; is indoctrination.

*True or False, Education does not always equal intelligence?
Hahahahahaha..I agree that education does not always equal intelligence, but when it comes to someone RUNNING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, I expect them to at least have the ability to form a well thought out sentence, which is something George Bush could never do.

If anyone's trying to discredit Obama's education due to affirmative action - YOU clearly have no education. Please save yourself the embarassment from posting things on message boards without further researching them, thanks.True or False, Education does not always equal intelligence?

Assuming you retain the information it doesn't equate to the ability to put it into practice nor the wisdom to adapt and apply it appropriately.

Unfortunately, though, some people take that to mean that lack of education equals intelligence.

You're not automatically ';smarter'; than educated people because you dropped out of school, contrary to what most dropouts would like to believe.

Having said that, why do cons worship Ignorance?

Rash Limpboy: Flunked out of community college.

Sean Hannity : Ditto

Butterball Beck: Too point-blank stupid to even be accepted into any community college.

confused though.. you have this under POLITICS

so under that.. YES education does matter.. running the office should at least require some legitimate schooling..

just saying Glenn Beck stopped at GED and it clearly shows.. when concerning politics at least provide sufficient evidence..
Notice how only the liberal answers have to add the Conservatives that they hate? The question ask a straight forward a true or false!

LIberals can't even answer a T or F without there name dropping.

TRUE is my answer

A degree from one university is not necessarily as good as a degree from another.
Obvious, I know lots of highly degreed people making less than people with no college. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Donald Trump either have no degrees or no advanced degrees.
Let me quote the words of Albert Eienstein : '; The only thing that interferes with my learning is my Education! ';

But lack of education almost always equals ignorance.
Very true. Look at George W Bush- he graduated from Yale, but he has the smarts of a baked potato.
Look at Obama! They obviously do not teach history at Harvard!
VERY true. I see over educated dumb asses all the time here in NY.
True...Every child is different.
Absolutely true
True. A child with a 180 IQ is not educated
True....very TRUE
yes for example GWB

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